Students in the spotlight at Leaders Meet Leaders event

Leaders meet Leaders
Students from Bundaberg Christian College with Mayor Jack Dempsey at the Leaders Meet Leaders event at the Bundaberg Multiplex.

More than 180 students from schools across the Bundaberg Region today met with councillors at a special afternoon event highlighting leadership in the community.

The annual event was attended by both primary and high school captains and student leaders at the Bundaberg Multiplex.

Mayor Jack Dempsey said it was an honour to meet the students and to personally engage with young people from across the region who were the emerging leaders of tomorrow.

“In recent weeks and months I have attended various schools to witness the induction of talented school leaders,” Mayor Dempsey said.

“These have been impressive occasions due to the quality of the people being inducted and the respectful manner in which the school body endorsed the naming of these leaders.”

McIlwraith State Primary School students Breeanah Dale and Zac Adams.

Students talk leadership

Grade 6 students from McIlwraith State Primary School, Zac Adams and Breeanah Dale, said the event had them thinking about what being a leader meant.

“Being a leader, especially a school captain, means to help in school, to be honest and if there are arguments, to help sort them out,” Zac said.

“Be responsible and just take care of other people,” Breannah said.

Bundaberg State High School captain Alex Buckholz said today’s Leaders Meet Leaders event was a great experience.

“I love being a school captain because it gives me the opportunity to give back,” he said.

Cr Ross Sommerfeld with Bundaberg State High School captain Alex Buckholz

“Today was fantastic because I got to learn about the independent roles of the councillors and what Council is doing for our community,” he said.

Alex, who was part of last year’s Australian team for the International Space Settlement Design Competition in Florida, said he was looking forward pursuing his goals once school finished.

“It was a fantastic experience and the team that I was in, comprised of 64 students, ended up winning,” he said.

“When I graduate I intend to go to UQ to continue to study aerospace and mechanical engineering.”

Bright future ahead

Mayor Dempsey wished the participating students all the best for a prosperous future and left them with some advice.

“It is often said that the future of our country is in the hands, hearts and the minds of our youth,” he said.

“I can see that here in the Bundaberg Region we have an excellent resource when it comes to young people with leadership potential.

“Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams.”

Leaders meet Leaders
Bundaberg Special School’s Ruben McDonald and Stephanie Andrew with Cr Judy Peters.