Did you know the Bundaberg Region has 130 playgrounds, 25km of coastal pathways and 136 recreation parks?
Those are the numbers that make up our beautiful open spaces, which Bundaberg Regional Council is committed to maintaining.
The Parks and Open Space Strategy 2019-26, which underwent extensive community consultation, was recently adopted as a key document for the planning, development and management of Council controlled parks and open spaces.
Portfolio spokesperson Cr Wayne Honor said a number of factors were considered and implemented in the strategy including park and open space accessibility, comfort, safety and physical activity opportunities.
“We are very proud of our many wonderful, vibrant and well-maintained parks and open spaces in the Bundaberg Region,” Cr Honor said.
“The recently adopted strategy will not only help us maintain the spaces we already have, but also guide us for the future creation of even more fantastic areas for the whole community to enjoy.”
Community expectations met
A key focus of the strategy was the formation of a capital works program to strategically develop parks and open spaces to meet community expectations and ensure the provision of quality parks and recreation opportunities throughout the region.

Cr Honor said this program would ensure parks and open spaces are kept up with best practice trends including playground design, quality of play, inclusion, accessibility, utilisation of technology and sustainability.
He said equity of provision across and around the region and access to parklands were two considerations out of a range of criteria used in identifying which parks to include in the program.
“Access to quality parks and open spaces has been linked to positive health outcomes for communities including physical activity, mental health and a host of other health conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure,” he said.
“The importance of play and open spaces for the development of physical, cognitive and social skills in children is also well recognised.
“Parks can play an important role in providing a place for quality play experiences for children of all ages and abilities.
“Well-designed spaces that are family friendly and encourage children, young people, adults and older adults to gather and socialise in different ways is also an important consideration.”
To find out more about the current trends in parks and open spaces, visit the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2019-26 web page.