If living in an engaged and inclusive community matters to you, be sure to head along to Bundaberg Regional Council’s Community Development Strategy feedback sessions.
Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said the sessions had been created to ensure residents would play a key role in developing the strategy.
“The Community Development Strategy is an important document that will help to guide future planning around the needs of our community,” Cr Peters said.
“It will address topics including access and inclusion, seniors, culture, leisure, youth and families with children.
“The objective is to understand the region through the eyes of our residents and businesses, address any gaps and barriers and drive important issues like health and social and economic wellbeing.
“The strategy will help to identify local priorities and can act as a reference for Council’s future funding applications in these priority areas.”
Cr Peters said the only way to ensure that the strategy remained relevant to the entire community was to garner as much feedback as possible.
“We want to know what matters to you. What issues do you think are important?
“How can we further promote the region as a great place to enjoy whether you live, work, invest or visit?”
All residents are invited to attend feedback sessions being held throughout the region.

What is happening in Moore Park Beach? Never read any council upgrades for this suburb.
Would be great to see some improvements made to Moore Park Road also.
How can people input if they can’t attend due to work or other commitments?
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