Significant drainage improvements are being rolled out across the region and in the case of McCarthy Road in Avenell Heights it has also delivered safety benefits.
Divisional representative Cr John Learmonth said the improvements, completed this year, didn’t just look fantastic.
“On top of the aesthetics it’s safer now that the road is about two metres wider,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Before the wheelie bins were virtually on the edge of the road and the garbage trucks had to stop mid-road.
“Now you can see they can pull to the verge and pick up the rubbish.
“That in itself has made it much safer.”
He said the works had been welcomed by residents in the area.
Mayor Jack Dempsey joined Cr Learmonth in inspecting the McCarthy Road drainage project and said Council had prioritised the repair of legacy drainage issues.
“Council has prioritised the areas of roads, rates and rubbish and in particular a number of long-standing drainage issues,” Mayor Jack Dempsey said.
“I think this Council is certainly just getting on with the job but there is still a lot more to do around the community.
“We’re just going to keep chipping away and working to get money from those other levels of government.”
Mayor Dempsey thanked the State Government for its support of the nearly $1 million project which had been funded through the Works for Queensland program.
“There’s still a lot of hard work to do and if we can get a dollar off the other levels of government, we will do that.
“Then we don’t have to put more pressure on ratepayers.”