Bundaberg Regional Council’s annual report reveals that 20 new trainees and two apprentices were employed in 2018-19.
Chief executive Steve Johnston said Council was “walking the talk” to address high youth unemployment.
“We’ve been working closely with CQUniversity and others to address this,” he said.
“The new employees are on top of the 10 apprentices who continued to be employed over this period and nine current employees who commenced a traineeship or apprenticeship.”
Mr Johnston described the 2018-19 financial year as “a period of consolidation” after two years of transformation.
“The foundations that were laid early in this term of Council provided a solid base for incremental improvements in what we deliver, how we operate and how we serve the community,” he said.
“Council adopted the Intelligent Community Strategy in December 2018 which laid the foundation for many of our innovative and creative projects.
“The Burnett Heads streetscape works were completed, leaving a long-term legacy for one of our iconic seaside villages.
“Progress was made towards implementing the Elliott Heads master plan and the completion of this and streetscape upgrades at Gin Gin will be similarly significant.”
Mr Johnston said the Works for Queensland program again saw many small projects completed that make a big difference in neighbourhoods across the Bundaberg Region.
Other highlights included the establishment of Bundaberg Now and the staff consolidation project.
“Eleven years after amalgamations we have finally taken the necessary step to have most of our staff based in the Bundaberg CBD,” he said.
“East Depot has been transformed to accommodate some of the former Bargara-based staff and two floors of the Auswide building have been fully renovated to accommodate the others in contemporary, modern office accommodation.”
Mr Johnston said challenges during the year included preparations to implement the Queensland Government waste levy and staff had responded positively.
The financial report shows total income of $224 million, expenditure of $200 million and an operating surplus of $4.6 million, which is consistent with Council’s sustainability target.
The Bundaberg Regional Council annual report shows that ratepayers contributed 77 per cent of Council’s recurrent revenue of $191.2 million through rates and utility charges from 45,380 rateable properties.
Council provided concessions to ratepayers of $2.164 million including $1.415 million to pensioners and $615,188 to community organisations.
A total of $279,385 in grants was awarded to community organisations.
The Auditor-General provided Council with an unmodified audit opinion.
- Download the 2018-19 Bundaberg Regional Council Annual Report.