Resident welcomes Oakwood drainage project

Oakwood drainage project
Oakwood resident Jason White joined Cr Jason Bartels on site to welcome Council’s latest drainage project which will protect properties in the area.

Oakwood residents have welcomed Bundaberg Regional Council’s latest drainage project that’s set to ease long-standing issues which had seen some properties impacted by stormwater.

Roads and drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said the work would involve constructing a bund within a farm upstream of the drainage system which would hold back the water that is impacting properties.

“What happens now is that stormwater overloads the current drainage capacity and water gushes over the road,” Cr Trevor said.

“The bund wall and increased pipe capacity will basically control how much can go through the system.

“All of the water will be controlled by the pipes so we can control the flow. It will alleviate some of the drainage issues.

“We are aware that this has been an issue for many years.

“Our recent budgets have prioritised drainage improvements which is why we’re now seeing this work being undertaken in neighbourhoods throughout the region.”

Cr Trevor said the Oakwood drainage was one of Council’s major capital infrastructure projects for the year.

“Staff have really been appreciative of the cooperation by private landowners who are working with Council to facilitate the work,” he said.

Resident Jason White said he was thrilled to see work progressing as “there has always been a drainage issue” in the area.

He said he had a neighbour that had even had water through their house as a result.

“I haven’t been that unlucky, but I’ve had knee-deep water through my shed,” Jason said.

“It’s been a real worry.”

With rising concerns, Jason organised to meet Council onsite to discuss the issue.

“Twelve months down the track and I saw pipes and culverts delivered.”

He said he was grateful to see the work had been prioritised for drainage improvements.

“I know the budget is not an easy thing to disperse when you’ve got so much to look after.”

Local contractor Berajondo has been engaged to undertake the Oakwood drainage project which is expected to be underway within coming weeks.