The rescued animals at Splitters Farm are another casualty of the Coronavirus restrictions.
With income from their café and tours no longer coming in, owner Carly Clark said things were very difficult.
“The food supply and income we depended on to feed many of our 200 rescued animals has almost completely gone,” Carly said.
“Our tours used to fund their food and vet costs, and with very little cafe scraps now coming in, we are at real risk of having to sell or re-home the very animals we’ve rescued and been entrusted to look after.”
Yesterday, Splitters Farm launched a fundraiser and in less than 24 hours, have raised more than 20% of their goal.
“We are hoping to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of feeding our rescued animals and have been humbled by everyone’s generosity.
“I know everyone is struggling right now in one way or another but if people are able to donate any amount, no matter how small, it will help us save our animals.”
Many rallying to Splitters Farm cause
Ellie Tonkin from Bundaberg Tourism said it was heartening to see many people rallying to the Splitters Farm animals cause.
“Unsurprisingly, most of the donors are from Bundaberg however there are donors in Hervey Bay and Brisbane,” Ellie said.
“Additionally, many of the donors are tourism and hospitality professionals from the region, who have limited income of their own, but are still supporting the cause.”
Carly said another way people could help was through Splitters Farm gift vouchers.
“If people would rather donate in the ways of a gift voucher that can redeemed at a later date for one of our animal tours or camping, then that’s a wonderful way to help us at this time,” Carly said.
“It’s a great virtual gift idea especially for those having a birthday while this pandemic is at its peak and parties are a no go.”
Anyone wanting to donate to the fund to feed Splitters Farm’s animals can donate here.
If you’d rather buy a gift voucher for future use, it can be done here.
Meanwhile, everyone can still keep up to date on what is happening at Splitters Farm through their 10am virtual tours via Facebook Live.
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