HomeCommunityCycle safety and etiquette more important than ever

Cycle safety and etiquette more important than ever

Mad Cycologists Roy Fraser
Mad Cycologists’ Roy Fraser believes the secret to enjoying bike riding is to take it easy and keep out of everyone’s way.

With more people using bicycles for exercise and family fun, the importance of cycle safety and etiquette are more important than ever.

Roy Fraser from Bundaberg Mad Cycologists Inc believes the secret to enjoying bike riding is to take it easy and be aware of those around you.

“If you see bike riding as a form of gentle exercise, not the chance to break world records, then it’s a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors,” Roy said.

“Take it easy, look around and appreciate your surroundings and, most importantly, keep out of everyone’s way.”

Roy said one of one of the main issues is that people aren’t used to cycle bells.

“It’s compulsory for all bicycles to have a bell and they are there for a very good reason.

“Use your bell to warn people when you’re approaching them.

When walkers, runners and even other riders, hear a bicycle bell they need to be aware that they should move to the side.

“The problem is that sometimes when people hear a bicycle bell they stop, which means the bike rider needs to get off the path to avoid them, which can be dangerous.

Roy said riding a bike should be treated with the same respect as driving a car.

“Be aware of those around you, just like in a car, and take responsibility for appropriate action.”

Roy said there were a number of useful resources on the Bicycle Queensland website which could benefit all bike riders – new and more experienced.

The Queensland Government also has some useful information on bicycle road rules and safety here.

Some important cycle safety and etiquette tips:

  • Wearing a helmet is a legal requirement
  • Use your bell to warn others on the path that you are approaching
  • On narrow roads it is safer to ride single file
  • Give way to pedestrians on shared paths
  • In certain locations bicycle lanes can be found throughout the region and it is recommended cyclists use them

Once you’re ready to venture out of your neighbourhood, there are some fabulous rides in our region. 

You can find these in the Bundaberg Region 10 Popular Rides brochure, an initiative of the Bundaberg Cycling Reference Group and Bundaberg Regional Council.

Details for each ride are listed in the brochure – distance, riding time and recommended level of experience.

The rides cover areas from around the region – Coonarr Beach, from Bundaberg to Burnett Heads, South Kolan and Elliott Heads, Burnett River to Bargara, Botanic Gardens loop via Moorlands, Anzac Park to Sandy Hook, Anzac Pool to Dr May’s Crossing and from Bargara to Burnett Heads Headland and Coral Cove.

You can download the brochure here.

  • More cycle pathway news

