Ready Set SCOUT! Is a Queensland-wide recruitment campaign designed to help re-recruit previous members and to attract new youth members, as well as leaders.
Bundaberg Scout’s Carolyn Orpin said the Bundaberg region is very much part of the campaign.
“As restrictions begin to ease and face to face meetings recommence, this is a perfect time for our organisation to promote the value of Scouting,” Carolyn said.
“Interested persons can either contact Scouts Queensland direct, visit our website, or, if they prefer, contact myself and I can put them into direct contact with a group close to them.
“We’re looking for new members in Bundaberg, Childers, Gin Gin and Moore Park Beach.
“Scouting offers an array of opportunity for those aged from 5 to 25 years of age, as well as those who are interested in being leaders.
“With our new program scouting is moving forward, it’s youth lead and leader supported, instilling values such as inclusiveness, team building, anti-bullying, leadership, pioneering and adventurous activities.”
Scouting has been active since 1908 and been in Bundaberg for many years and has seen many changes to the organisation during that time.
While Scouting is moving forward and using technology to their advantage, they are also developing character, resilience, leadership, respect and networking in their Scouting Journey.
“The purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the education of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities,” Carolyn said.
Bundaberg Scouts are one of over 230+ Scout Groups in QLD, with more than 10000+ boys and girls and over 50 million members world-wide.
Scouting has a proud history in the Bundaberg region.
“This year Millbank Scout Group turned 50 years old,” Carolyn said.
“Gone are the days of Scouts doing just pioneering projects and gadgets, bottle drops, lamington drives and telephone book deliveries.
“In the last 12 months Scouts in Bundaberg have been setting themselves up for the new future of Scouting.
“We have a new “one journey” programme that starts from as young as 5, through to 25 years of age, with particular emphasis on youth led and leader supported.
“Youth members are wanting to step up and take charge of their activities and with the help of their leaders, and are getting in and getting it done.
“After many families spending time in confined spaces during COVID lockdown, many parents have realised just how much time children can spend on phones and computers.
“If you’re looking at other options for your children, why not try Scouting?
“It’s affordable and they are registered to accept Fair Play Vouchers.
To find out more visit the website https://scouts.com.au/ or contact Carolyn Orpin on 4155 2665.

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