After nearly five months with doors closed, the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre is making preparations for reopening, with the box office opening on Monday 3 August.
“It’s been a very long time since we’ve seen audiences in the venue,” said Rod Ainsworth, Manager, Arts & Cultural Services.
“We can’t wait to have people back in the theatre enjoying some of the great live and cinema events we have on offer for the remainder of the year.”
With the Moncrieff’s box office opening on Monday, the phone lines and the front doors of the venue will be back open for bookings.
“Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there are some temporary changes to the way the Moncrieff can book tickets,” Rod said.
“Specifically, all online bookings will be disabled – bookings will only be able to be made by phone or at the box office in person, as we need to consult with patrons on their guest numbers and other factors.”
“We appreciate people’s patience during this time. Obviously, we would prefer to have everything back to normal, but we all know that’s not possible.
“We have had to put these systems in place to ensure that our amazing customers are looked after and that’s the first priority for all of us.”

Under the Queensland Live Performance Venues / Theatres Industry COVID Safe Plan (Section 9.1 Exemptions Sought), the venue is able to book “bubble seating”, which means that family and social groups who book together are able to book in a group of up to 10 people.
Each “bubble” will have a separation of 1.5m from the next booking.
Under these conditions, the Moncrieff can book up to 50% of its capacity.
A social group is defined as “a group of friends who purchased their tickets together and may include family members who do not reside in the same household.”
In order to manage these seating arrangements, to keep audiences safe, all bookings will be managed on a ‘best available’ basis by Moncrieff Box Office staff.
Bookings will be open from Monday for cinema and live events from 2 October, including “By a Thread” and “The Birth and Death of Star”.
Council’s Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson said both shows will be a spectacular way to bring the Moncrieff stage back to life.
“By a Thread is a terrific circus performance with one rope and seven acrobats and The Birth and Death of Stars is the new show from Mzaza, a high energy Queensland-based folk band.
“We think audiences will really appreciate a new experience at the Moncrieff when they do return.
“The auditorium has been completely renovated to ensure audience safety and superior sound quality for the broad range of performances we present at the venue,” he said.
“We also have a new candy bar and licensed bar area that will take the patron experience to a new level.”
The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre box office will be open 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday from Monday 3 August – either in person at the entertainment centre at 177 Bourbong Street or by phoning (07) 4130 4100.