Kepnock Cub Scouts celebrated World Scout Day on Saturday at the Hinkler Hall of Aviation in their first outing together since COVID-19 restrictions were eased.
Five leaders and 20 youth were excited to attend their first face-to-face excursion after many months of Scouts @ Home.
Kepnock Scout leader Emily Ayling, also known as Raksha, organised the trip to Hinkler Hall of Aviation and she said World Scout Day was a worldwide event that gave all former and active scouts an opportunity to wear their scarves in public to raise awareness of the local scouting community.
“This is our first excursion after Corona and we are happy to be celebrating the day with all scouts across the world for World Scout Day,” Raksha said.
“Scouts Australia actually recognises August as Scouts in Action Month, and they theme it around something every year, and this year it’s themed around flight – so that’s why we chose to go on our first outing to the Hinkler Hall of Aviation.
“With it being our first excursion after the restrictions, it will be quite different, with social distancing.
“We have joeys, cubs and scouts all here – and they are so excited to see each other again.”
Scouts Cooper Mylrea and Cooper Ayling said they were looking forward to celebrating World Scout Day by exploring the Hinkler Hall of Aviation and seeing some of the personal spirit that Bert Hinkler displayed as a pioneering aviator.
Cooper Mylrea said the excursion out would also help him receive more kilometres towards his badges and it was nice to be with his scouting friends again.
Cooper Ayling said he was eager to go through Hinkler House again, and said there was always new and exciting things to see, that may have been missed the other times he had visited.
Anyone wanting more information about Kepnock Scouts can contact the organisation through their Facebook page.
- Other news: Joey Scouts bounce back to Kepnock group