Located 60 kms north west of Bundaberg, the small town of Rosedale was the destination for members of the Bundaberg 4WD Club on their most recent outing.
The camping grounds behind the Rosedale Hotel and Caravan park were the perfect setting to get out and explore the area.
Trips into Littabella National Park had tracks for all levels of off road experience covered.
Views from atop the ridges made the somewhat covered in tracks worth the scratches, with recent rains making for some interesting moments.
Wheel placement enabling traction in the steeper sections was paramount.
The group also ventured out to what was the Baffle Creek Ferry Crossing.

The crossing was the primary means of transport between the town of Rosedale and the settlement of Baffle Creek.
In 1908 the ferry crossing was established.
A sugar mill was constructed on Wartburg Hill in 1911 and in 1915 the mill assumed control of the ferry, shifting it to its current location and constructing a new ferry.

The ferry provided direct access from the Baffle Creek settlement to Rosedale, which was connected to the North Coast Railway and therefore the markets and factories of Gladstone, Bundaberg, Maryborough, and Brisbane.
The ferry was used to transport sugar cane, milk and butter, cattle and cars and was essential to the economy of the Baffle Creek settlement.
It continued to operate until 1965, when the Euleilah Bridge (spanning Euleilah Creek) was opened, thus removing the need for a ferry. Little remains at the site now and the locations are used as boat ramps to access the popular river system.
The ladies of the group were treated to a camping style “High Tea” with various treats presented as an early Mothers Day celebration.

A visit to the markets at 1770 also gave members an opportunity to partake in some shopping.
Set under the shade of large trees, the group browsed for bargains with arts and crafts, bric-a-brac and fresh produce available to purchase.
Having the hotel so close was a great opportunity to take the night off from cooking, with great meals and cold beverages consumed as the misadventures of some were discussed.
The area around Rosedale has much to offer the avid off roader, and we will be back to explore further.
To find out more on the Bundaberg 4WD Club and activities we have on, contact us via email, bundy4wd@bigpond.com, on the net at www.bundaberg4wdclub.com or catch us on Facebook or Instagram.
Brad Praed, Bundaberg 4WD