The Childers Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) Branch is this year celebrating 30 years, forming back in 1991 with 20 members attending the first meeting.
With the number of members having fluctuated over the years, there are currently 10 members who make up the branch.
Over their 30 year history, the branch has been integral in helping the community throughout a number of events that have affected the region.
Childers QCWA member Lyn Robinson said the branch were very active in the community, with a range of key achievements over the past 30 years.
“Key achievements of the branch include the purchase of two buildings and the renovation of these to create our QCWA cottage as well as the assistance with crises throughout the Childers District,” she said.
“This includes floods, fires, house fire, family crisis through practical support in the form of food, clothing and household necessities and of course the backpackers fire.
“An influx of new enthusiastic members has rejuvenated the group ensuring the community support work continues along with new projects in the pipeline, new craft skills, new learnings and good fun and friendship.”
Through her research, she has found that there were QCWA groups at Booyal, Doolbi and Cordalba in the early days.
The Childers QCWA will be celebrating their 30 years with a morning tea celebration on Tuesday, 7 September that is open to the wider community.
Childers QCWA hold AGM

The Mayor, along with Councillors Bill Trevor and Tracey McPhee were guests at the annual general meeting of the Childers QCWA Branch this week.
Mayor Dempsey said the Childers Branch had defied the odds of dwindling membership and had found new leadership, new energy and importantly new members to continue the valuable work the group contributed locally, nationally and internationally.
“With the Queensland Country Women’s Association on the cusp of celebrating its 99th anniversary the work of the organisation remains as relevant today as at its inception in August 1922,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“The Childers Branch may only be small in numbers, but they have a devotion to community service that is a widely cherished and admired part of volunteering.
“Their efforts have a ripple effect across their community.”
Retiring Branch President, Felecity Manderson told members and guests that while the current COVID-19 pandemic had provided its challenges to the Branch over the past 12 months she believed it had strengthened the bond between members.
She said the group had survived the challenges of an uncertain future and the past 12 months had presented numerous activities which had attracted new members and allowed the group to participate in core CWA activities.
“Friendship mornings promoted many international flavoured activities around craft and cooking but above all provided a strong sense of friendship and companionship for members.”
She said the Branch was now in a solid financial position and was anticipating another successful year under the leadership of new president Lyn Robinson and her executive.

“It is indicative of the strength of the Branch that we do have a full executive leadership team,” she said
Mrs Manderson also welcomed a special guest to the meeting with former Childers Branch president Edna Buck making the trip from Bundaberg to attend.
Mrs Buck said she had previously taken on the presidency of the Childers QCWA Branch.
She had been involved in establishing the current premises of the Branch in Crescent Street which had become a welcome permanent home for the Branch to base its activities.
Mrs Wendy Driver, Burnett Division President invested the new executive with a presentation of office badges.
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