A development application for stage two of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Kinkuna Waters Estate in Woodgate, which would create an additional 139 residential lots, has been lodged.
The reconfiguring a lot application was lodged by Project Urban Pty Ltd on Council’s behalf over 38.5 hectares of land on Woodgate Road.
According to the application, the site historically formed part of a larger 1025 hectare area, parts of which were previously approved for residential subdivision by the Isis Shire Council.
The majority of lots in the initial stage developed by the Isis Shire remained unsold for more than a decade until a COVID-induced land sale surge increased demand in the area.
Located 7km west of the township of Woodgate Beach, the vacant site is cleared as it was historically used for grazing purposes and is also situated near a small area of protected wetland.
The application and proposed plans show that just over 7 hectares of land will be designated as environmental reserve.
“This reserve will include an artificial wetland/conservation area which will collect and treat the stormwater from the subdivision and include the existing vegetation adjacent to the northern property boundary which will be retained,” the application said.
The stage two Kinkuna Waters Estate residential lots are proposed to be constructed next to the existing residential development area.
The application said, if approved, the subdivision would be undertaken in three stages with the subsequent stages moving progressively towards the western boundary of the site.
“The Reconfiguration Proposal Plans show that 139 residential [lots] will be established over the three stages,” the application said.
“The proposed lot sizes range from a minimum of 1416 m sq to 2763 m sq.
“…The proposed layout will provide a good mix of lot sizes that are all capable of accommodating a range of housing types and are consistent with, and complementary to, the lots within the existing Kinkuna Waters Estate.”
The development application for stage two of the Kinkuna Waters Estate is currently with Bundaberg Regional Council’s development group for assessment.