HomeCommunityNew event gives participants mental health support

New event gives participants mental health support

The new CLS event lets participants experience a range of mindfulness and mental health activities such as yoga, art and massage.

Community Lifestyle Support’s new mental health-focused event will provide participants with a range of mindfulness activities and experiences including yoga, art and massage.

Mental health is a subject close to the heart of Leonora Lumby and has become the inspiration behind Community Lifestyle Support’s latest event; It’s All About Me – Take Time Out for Yourself.

As a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the provision of innovative, best-practice services to people living with disability, Community Lifestyle Support Ltd (CLS) strives to create new and exciting ways to foster community inclusion.

This new event is aimed at giving participants the tools to deal with mental health, as many people experience this at some stage in their career and/or lives.

“This event will be an opportunity for participants to get together in a safe space to explore different tools and mediums to cope with mindfulness and mental health. Our world has changed so much in the past 12 months and mental health is more important than ever,” Leonora said.

Leonora Lumby is bringing It’s All About Me – Take Time Out for Yourself workshops to the community.

“I am passionate about this event because we all struggle at some stage in our lives and I just wanted to help make a difference in someone’s life.

“If just one person can walk away from this event and feel more empowered to manage their mental health or a loved one’s mental health, then we have achieved what we set out to do.”

The day is aimed at a maximum of 25 people to come together and experience a range of mindfulness and mental health activities such as yoga, art, massage and presentations from a dietician, psychologist, as well as CLS’ Horticulturalist touching base on biophilia – the benefits of plants.

The event will end with some lunch and live music from Motion, encouraging participants to take some time out under the trees and let music sooth the soul.

“We want to encourage people in all industries to have conversations about mental health and the impacts it may have. Mental health is about wellness not sickness and we want to help change the stigma involved with the term” said Leonora.

This event will be held as part of Queensland Mental Health Week and has been funded by Queensland Mental Health Week Community Event Grants 2021.

The event will be held on Saturday, 16 October, 9am to 1.30pm at Community Lifestyle Support, 48 Ashfield Road, Kalkie.

Tickets are now available via Eventbrite here and are strictly limited.

