The Bundaberg YMCA could soon be transformed to include a learning facility targeted at disengaged students if a development application is approved.
The Material Change of Use for the centre at 7 Quinn St and 5 Milliken St, Kepnock was recently received by Bundaberg Regional Council.
The proposal outlines the aim to redevelop the existing YMCA site for the purposes of a school for disadvantaged children, some of which have specific learning needs.
The features of the proposed educational establishment include a training room, resource room, four classrooms, office area and hall.
There are also plans for a multi-art room, recording room, training kitchen and more.
If approved, the facility will operate from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm Monday to Friday and allow enrolment space for up to 95 students and cater to 32 staff.

The development also highlights plans to formalise carparking space to the existing Child Care Centre, which has operated since 1995 but currently relies upon 7 Quinn St for access, parking, and manoeuvring.
The centre’s plans include allocating space for 41 car parks.
The application states the YMCA provided a number of community offerings through NDIS, youth workshops and the like.
The aim of the proposal is to broaden the organisations existing scope of uses and meet the broader needs of the community, in this instance through the provision of a vocational learning facility for at risk and disengaged youths.
If approved, the learning facility would provide an opportunity to extend current client services and provide a space where disengaged students can receive the specialised training and education that meets their individual and specific needs.
Other development news: Plans lodged for stage two of Kinkuna Waters Estate