The University of Queensland Regional Training Hubs will celebrate the hard work, perseverance and persistence of 26 medical graduates when they join Bundaberg Hospital this week as part of their transition towards becoming interns.
UQ’s Regional Training Hubs, located in Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Southern Queensland complement the existing investment in rural training for university medical students and seeks to strengthen the pipeline to rural practice for both GPs and specialists.
UQ Head of Rural Clinical School Associate Professor Riitta Partanen said the Regional Training Hubs are here to support interns and junior doctors as they start their new roles with local hospital partners.
“We look forward to helping our newest medical fraternity become integrated and immersed in local regional and rural communities, and helping them through training, education and career support programs,” she said.
“We know positive living and work experiences make it more likely that these doctors will remain with us for longer or return to regional and rural communities in the future.
Despite the COVID challenges that have already presented in 2022, the Regional Training Hubs are ready to welcome and support all our junior doctors in safe and innovative ways.
Hi -fantastic to have a new cohort of new doctors in Bundy. However, the reality is even better than the title suggests. It’s not just UQ graduates joining the scheme, but medical graduates from across Australia, including Monash University in Melbourne.
Further to my previous comment, I understand that graduates from other Universities including Griffith and Western Sydney are also part of the cohort of interns. It would be great if you wrote a piece with some interviews with these new doctors to find out why they chose Bundy to start their careers.