A special garden at the Gin Gin Community Hub is spreading messages of kindness through rock art and residents are being asked to take part.
Staff at the hub established the garden as part of The Kindness Rocks Project in 2019 and due to its success, have continued on with the initiative.
The national project is aimed at promoting random acts of kindness for others by writing and painting positive messages on colourful rocks.
Council’s Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee said the garden had been a community effort and continued to provide positivity and a creative outlet for residents.
“The Gin Gin Ladies Woodwork Guild created the garden sign and plenty of locals have contributed some beautifully painted rocks over the years,” she said.
“The idea is to take a rock for inspiration and leave one for motivation to help the garden grow.
“It’s a nice reminder to everyone that kindness matters and makes a difference to people’s lives.”
Cr McPhee said now more rocks were needed to fill the garden space.
“The hub is getting low on rocks again so if your group or organisation is interested in contributing some painted kindness rocks then please add them to the garden,” she said.
“The garden is situated at the entrance of the Gin Gin Community Hub.
“Staff hope these rocks continue to inspire and connect our growing community.”
To find out more about the Kindness Rock Garden phone the Gin Gin Community Hub team on 4130 4630 or visit the hub at 4 Dear Street.
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