The Bruce Highway and King Street intersection in Gin Gin will soon be upgraded to improve safety and traffic efficiency in the area.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads project will begin in early March and will include the installation of dedicated right turn lanes on the Bruce Highway for motorists entering King Street.
A TMR spokesperson said the dedicated turning lanes would reduce the likelihood of rear-end crashes.
“It will also eliminate the need for through traffic on the Bruce Highway to slow down for motorists turning into King Street,” the spokesperson said.
The works will also include:
- shoulder widening, pavement sealing and line-marking to accommodate the new turning lanes
- installation of signage and a median traffic island on the Bruce Highway, to prevent right-turn movements out of King Street and reduce the risk of nose to nose and nose to side crashes from motorists attempting to cross multiple lanes of highway traffic
- removal of two parking spaces from the front of AM Dollar Wise Discount to ensure clear visibility for traffic turning left from King Street onto the Bruce Highway. TMR has kept the number of parking spaces being removed to a minimum, to reduce impacts to local business and their patrons.
“RoadTek will be delivering the upgrade, with works generally occurring Monday to Friday between 6 am and 6 pm,” the spokesperson said.
“The upgrade is expected to be complete in April 2022, construction and weather permitting.
“Motorists should expect changed traffic conditions including reduced speeds, lane closures and stop-go traffic controllers.”
Gin Gin. Where are the pedestrian crossings? It is good to have road upgrades for the safety of road users, but what about the safety of pedestrians? I have lived here for 30years and witnessed a lot of close calls between cars/trucks & people as they cross the main road.Childers has pedestrin traffic lights. What is the stupid reasoning, by the powers that be, stopping the construction of this necessity? Duty of care. Not bloody likely within this Council.please give your official reply to the questions I have mentioned. Thankyou.
Wayne Hardaker
Gin Gin needs pedestrian crossings with traffic lights on both sides of the highway..I’m amazed there have been no fatalities with the amount of traffic that flies through the main street ‘apparently’ doing the speed limit of 50kms. We also have the road trains flying through town which is extremely scary for children & the elderly to judge when it’s safe to cross the road.