Local students Alice Bak and Jaslie Davies are the recipients of a $20,000 scholarship which will help to support them during school and provide opportunities to excel.
The scholarships are awarded to high potential girls who are experiencing low socio-economic circumstances through the Harding Miller Education Foundation.
Executive Director Cara Varian says the Foundation’s scholarships provided the students with a new laptop, high speed internet connections, tutoring, career guidance and support to help cover the costs of uniforms, books and school expenses.
“Where these young women have faced barriers, we are offering them a pathway through school and also potentially to university,” Ms Varian said.
“These students have the potential to become leaders in their fields and we hope that the scholarship gives them the support they need to understand and achieve that potential.”
Alice Bak from Isis State High School in Childers said the scholarship would offer real, tangible help.
“I think having access to a computer at home will allow me to achieve even better academic results, because it’s difficult to do well without one,” Alice said.
“I am going to use the scholarship to pay for my fees, school camps and excursions – but the laptop and internet access will be the greatest benefit for me.”
Jaslie Davies from Kepnock State High School said the extra financial and economic support would provide great benefit to her learning.
“I am motivated to achieve academically because I want to set myself up for my future. If I put in the hard wok now, it will pay off later,” Jaslie said.
School students to excel with scholarships
Ms Varian said Alice and Jaslie were two of 162 scholarship winners across Australia this year.
Numerous studies show education can be a key to breaking cycles of disadvantage, with some even showing that for every year a young woman stays in school, she can increase her potential future income by 25 per cent.
“Breaking barriers is what drives us at the Harding Miller Education Foundation, with some 800 young women having been given a scholarship since we started offering them in 2016,” Ms Varian said.
“We’re pleased and proud to support these talented young women. We really want to encourage them to really believe in themselves and know they are capable of anything they put their minds to.”
Ms Varian said applications would soon open for the next round of scholarships and encouraged girls from Year 8, who think they might qualify, to consider applying.
“If you’re a girl in Year 8, who thinks that your lack of computer, internet or mentoring is holding you back from success, we’d love to hear from you,” Ms Varian said.
“And of course, we would love to hear from more generous donors who can help us fund this program and the wonderful outcomes it is driving for young women.”
Applications for scholarships for 2023 will open from 13 July and close on 14 September 2022.
To find out more information, get involved or support the Harding Miller Education Foundation click here.