A new, purpose-built van equipped with a variety of features to support police in enhancing community safety has been spotted throughout the region.
Dubbed the MPB, which stands for Mobile Police Beat, the vehicle travels throughout the Wide Bay to assist officers with a range of duties, including community engagement.
It was used at Sunday’s NRL clash at Salter Oval, Childers Festival and has also been spotted in Elliott Heads and Moore Park Beach in recent times.
Senior Constable Dave Didsman said the MPB offered a modern, flexible and highly visible police resource for deployment at populated locations.
“It can also be used as a command centre or forward command post for special and major events and as an independent temporary police facility at localities identified as requiring police intervention,” he said.
“The van is also a platform for crime prevention initiatives.”
Snr Const Didsman said the mobile capability of the van offered many benefits compared to fixed platform establishments.
“It offers direct and timely deployment to locations with the highest demand for services,” he said.
“It also helps to improve public confidence and perceptions of crime and safety and increases community engagement, dialogue and collaboration.”
The MPB is powered by an advanced lithium battery and inverter system, connected to vehicle roof mounted solar panels, according to Snr Const Didsman.
“It can also connect to 240v supply and when these are unavailable or unsuitable, it can also run on an off-engine generation unit,” he said.
“The MPB is a great asset to the QPS in the modern world we reside.”