Work is underway for the construction of a new tavern featuring a beer garden and a drive through bottle shop in Bargara.
The development is adjacent to Bargara Central Shopping Centre and was approved in June 2020.
The work, which started this week, has gained plenty of interest from inquisitive community members who have taken to social media with questions regarding the development.
According to the development application, the site for the new tavern is located on an unimproved part of the site which, in part, serves as a stormwater detention basin.
“The carparks and buildings are proposed to be constructed upon a suspended slab configuration on concrete piles over the detention basin, above the detention basin water level, to maintain the detention basin’s storage volume and current outlet arrangement,” the application said.
“It is proposed that the base and sides of the existing basin be lined and treated to provide for efficient operation and ease of maintenance.”

The proposed tavern will have a floor area of 800 square metres and feature a sports bar, bistro, gaming area, kitchen and amenities.
A covered outdoor beer garden of 200 square metres will be facing Bargara Road.
The complex will also feature a bottle shop, including a drive-through.
Access will be via Bargara Road and Davidson Street, with an additional 19 car parking spaces provided to service the development.
As part of the application process, Bundaberg Regional Council imposed conditions on the approval to ensure the development does not adversely impact on the surrounding environment.
These conditions include the necessity of dark-sky compliant lighting to be installed to protect nearby turtle nesting areas.
The development also features conditions that require the tavern to manage noise impacts so as not to disturb neighbours.
Of all the things that we need in Bargara, we get another pub.
Two pubs and two clubs obviously not enough
More drunks on the road in Bargara.
When will we see a High School???
Mmm beer ???? ????
How ridiculous!!!!There’s so many reasons why I & I believe many other Bargara residents feel the same… Ridiculous..!!!
At least this looks like it’s actually happening.
We don’t need another pub.
We need a Radiology department ,we need a high school, more rental accommodation. Not another pub!
I’m concerned about the noise from the patrons when the Tavern closes. Friday and Saturday nights are noisy enough with hoons, now we will have to tolerate drunks roaming the streets fighting and using bad language.
I think establishments like hotels should be zoned by council in the early stages of town planning.
Councils don’t make money out of schools & medical facilities.
I think this is great for community! Brining more jobs into the local area ????
I agree that a High school to aid the coast from Burnett heads to Elliot has a much higher need.
The Woolies car park already falls short of parking some weekends with the influx of all the people from the south states.
What Bargara needs is…
1. A high school
2. Proper shopping malls