Three guinea pigs named Pyrus, Mystic and Jacob were part of a crowd of 12 animals blessed by St John the Divine Anglican Church in Burnett Heads recently for its annual Pet Blessing Service.
On Saturday 1 October the congregation welcomed 27 enthusiastic visitors who brought along nine dogs and the guinea pigs.
The service was led by Mother Kate Ross, Assistant Priest, Anglican Parish of Bundaberg and included a reading from a sermon of St Francis, the Patron Saint of the environment and animals.
Parish Councillor Neil Phythian said the event was a great way to engage different people while involving their pets in the service and celebrating family.
“The event is important because people engage with the church in a new way because they are bringing their pets to church,”” Neil said.
“Pets are members of our families and this is a special and unique way to celebrate the love of family.
“All the animals were well behaved and enjoyed the attention.
“Afternoon tea was provided, and each animal received a tasty treat and a blessing certificate.”

Church Warden Jo Leveritt said the pet blessing was open to the entire community, held annually at Burnett Heads.
“It is important for the church to find intersections where faith and real life meet,” Jo said.
“The Pet Blessing Service held annually at St John the Divine Anglican Church at Burnett Heads is one of those intersections, connecting people in a unique way.
“Open to the whole community, events such as this are advertised on the Anglican Parish of Bundaberg’s social media platforms and through community networks.”
Hilary Reed, who brought her champion show guinea pigs called Pyrus, Mystic and Jacob, said she enjoyed being involved.
“The blessing service was a delightful afternoon in the outdoors and a wonderful opportunity to thank God for the gift of animals,” she said.
At the conclusion of the service a collection was held to benefit local animal rescue organisation Red Collar Rescue.
This included a donation from the St John’s Ladies Guild.
You can find out more about the parish here.
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