HomeNewsGet Ready Queensland Week time to prepare

Get Ready Queensland Week time to prepare

Get Ready Queensland
Residents are urged to Get Ready ahead of storm season. FILE PHOTO: contributed, Cassie Williams

It’s Get Ready Queensland week and residents are encouraged to take some simple steps to ensure they’re prepared for storm season.

The key messages from Get Ready Queensland are to:

Understand your risk

To get a full understanding of the risk you face, you need to find out what, when, and where a disaster might happen, how severe it could potentially be, and if you would be affected.

In the Bundaberg Region, residents also have access to tools on the Council website including the flood gauge mapping system which provides targeted property flood information so residents can understand what flood gauge heights mean for their property.

The Bundaberg Regional Council Disaster Dashboard is also a resource available to help residents prepare in the case of any natural disaster or emergency and to stay up-to-date with the latest from all relevant agencies.

The website provides links to news and contacts as well as a direct feed from the Bureau of Meteorology’s weather warnings.

Other vital information featured on the Disaster Dashboard includes:

  • Road conditions
  • Power outages
  • Weather warnings
  • River heights

The start of storm season is a good time to become familiar with the dashboard to ensure residents know what to do and where to go in any potential natural disaster.

Get Ready Queensland
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Disaster Dashboard.

Have an emergency and evacuation plan

Get Ready Queensland has provided an online household emergency and evacuation plan template to help residents prepare.

Creating the online plan takes about 20 minutes. You can download, save and print the form once you have finish and change the form to suit your household.

Complete an emergency and evacuation plan online now.

Prepare an emergency kit

An emergency kit can ensure you and your loved ones have essential items at hand in situations where you may need to evacuate, lose power or may not be able to access stores which sell essential items like groceries and medicine.

This year Get Ready Queensland is asking Queenslanders to think about packing:

  • Long life food and toiletries in case you can’t get to the shops
  • Drinking water in case the water supply stops working
  • Batteries, a torch and a radio in case the power goes out

Find out more here.

Regional preparedness

The Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is comprised of many local agencies and Government departments and meets throughout the year to ensure the region is prepared to respond to any natural disaster.

Local governments are primarily responsible for managing disaster events in their local Council area with Bundaberg Regional Council filling a number of positions within the LDMG including chair and local disaster coordinator.

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