Students from more than 20 schools in the Bundaberg Region are putting their maths, science, history and English knowledge to the test as they battle it out in a weekly trivia showdown at Sugarland Plaza.
The annual Sugarland Plaza Battle of the Schools event, sponsored by Bundaberg Broadcasters, sees teams of three students match their wits against other schools in two-weekly competitions on stage just outside of Woolworths.
General Manager of Bundaberg Broadcasters Corey Pitt said students battled every Thursday evening and Sunday morning for six straight weeks.
He said the quiz was not only a fun and friendly competition for students to enjoy, it was also a great opportunity to showcase the region’s talented youth.
“Sugarland Plaza Battle of the Schools has become a part of the Bundaberg school events calendar, with students thoroughly enjoying the experience and the pride attached at representing their school in an academic environment,” Corey said.
“The constant feedback by the spectators is just how incredibly smart our students are, and how they’re answering questions that most of the adults do not even know.”
Corey said the competition began in 2019 and had grown tremendously, providing students with plenty of benefits.
“Now in its fourth year there are younger siblings who had been dreaming of being involved, and now are, so you can only imagine how excited they are to step on stage for their school,” he said.
“Sugarland Plaza Battle of the Schools is the largest primary school promotion held in the Bundaberg Region and by focusing on academic prowess, provides these wonderful students a chance to grow confidence as they head into adulthood.”

This year’s competition has been well-supported by local businesses including Queensland Computers, CQU, and Sugarland Plaza.
“Apart from the opportunity and pride attached to showing off our wonderfully smart students of Bundaberg primary schools, there are wonderful prizes up for grabs,” Corey said.
“Each student takes away a representative medal, a Sugarland Plaza gift bag full of terrific prizes and the top four students take away a bursary cheque from CQUniversity Bundaberg.
“Queensland Computers provides over $10,000 of prizes, including each student of the champion team taking away a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 laptop and pack valued at $2500 each.”
Sugarland Plaza spokesperson Danielle Scaife said retailers and staff were extremely excited to again hold the annual Battle of the Schools event.
“Our ongoing partnership with Bundaberg Broadcasters, CQU and Queensland Computers has allowed this competition to grow, and we are excited to watch the local kids compete to see who will win this year’s completion,” she said.
“The dedication of each student, the teachers and school is something the local community should be proud of.
“We look forward to a long partnership ensuring this event remains an important part our our local students’ memories.”
The 2022 competition commenced at Sugarland Plaza on Sunday 9 October and runs every Thursday evening from 5.30 pm and every Sunday morning from 10.30 am.
The championship round of the top four schools will be held on Sunday 20 November from 10.30 am.