Residents are invited to attend the upcoming Italian-Australian Community Social Meeting which aims to improve communication, confidence and support networks within the Italian speaking community.
To be held on Saturday 18 March from 2.15 pm at The Waves Sports Club, coordinator Gabriela Corridore said the event would not only be an opportunity for guests to socialise but to also find out what supports are available.
Gabriela has been the (Honorary) Official Consular Correspondent for the Italian Consulate of Brisbane from 1993 to this day and has been providing support for the communities of Bundaberg, Childers, Howard, Maryborough, Hervey Bay and surrounding areas for many years.
She has also been a volunteer Correspondent for Patronato INAS, Italian-Australian, Social, Welfare from 1992.

From 1991 Gabriela has worked tirelessly for the Wide Bay multicultural community, particularly for the Italian community, especially the elderly.
She has encouraged others to participate in general information and meetings and for her constant determination, Gabriela has received many awards and recognitions.
“I carry out subsidiary duties of assistance to the Italian Citizens and those other duties which are assigned to me from the Italian Consulate of Brisbane,” she said.
“The next meeting will introduce a range of officials and special guests to the Italian /Australian Community of Bundaberg and surrounding areas.”
These include:
- Dott.ssa Luna Angelini Marinucci, Consul of Italy for Queensland and Northern Territory
- Ms. Rosaria Vecchio, President of Com.It.Es, Queensland and Northern Territory
- Ms. Cinzia Di Rienzo, Patronato INAS, Italian-Australia, Social, Welfare
- Cr. Vince Habermann O.A.M. Bundaberg Regional Council
- Mr J.A. (Lex) Rowland O.A.M. President & Conservator Hinkler House – Memorial Museum
The meeting is open to all members of the public, with focus on the Italian/Australian Community.
The Waves, Voce D’Italia – Choir who will be also be performing on the day.
“Some of our special guests will talk about general information relating to the Italian/Australian community, others about the connection of Bundaberg with the Italians.”
“At the end of the meeting members of the community will be able to socialise with the guests,” Mrs Gabriela Corridore said.
This event has free admission with no booking required.