HomeLifestyleMoncrieffEaster holidays free family movie Rise of Gru

Easter holidays free family movie Rise of Gru

Moncrieff Entertainment Centre free movie gru
It will be the rise of Gru these school holidays as families take advantage of a free movie, Minions: The Rise of Gru, at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre.

Local families can enjoy a free screening of Minions: The Rise of Gru as part of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Easter school holiday program.

To be showcased at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre on Wednesday 12 April, the story follows the world’s greatest supervillain, Gru, and how he first met his iconic minions.

Council’s Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said a morning at the movies always proved popular with the community and the free tickets were promptly walking out the door.

“Movies like Minions: The Rise of Gru are loved by both young and old,” Cr Learmonth said.

“Children love the animation and pace of the story, while adults can relate to the subtle humour of it all.

“This really is the perfect choice of film for the whole family.”

Also known as Minions 2, the movie was released last year as a sequel to the spin-off prequel Minions (2015) and the fifth entry overall in the Despicable Me franchise

The free family movie will be a pleasant addition to the last days of the Easter school holidays for any family.

Cr Learmonth said Council’s Easter school holiday guide, to be released soon, provided plenty for families and friends to do in the Bundaberg Region.

“As well as popping into the Moncrieff to watch the free movie, families have the opportunity to catch a zookeeper talk at Alexandra Park Zoo or head off to the one of the locals libraries to take part in board games and puzzle activities and more!” he said.

“Bundaberg Botanic Garden will also be hopping with activity with the Garden Kids school holiday activities, so take the opportunity to check that out too!”

To register for the free movie, Minions: The Rise of Gru, at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre click here.

Easter school holidays free movie

What: Minions: The Rise of Gru
When: 10.30 am on 12 April
Where: Moncrieff Entertainment Centre.

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