HomeCommunityGin Gin Show is a traditional country spectacular

Gin Gin Show is a traditional country spectacular

Gin Gin Show
Gin Gin Show president Kerryn Flanders, show girl co-ordinator Grace Campbell, rural ambassador Sam Christensen, runner-up show girl Corine Ellison, runner-up junior show girl Claire Jensen and junior showgirl Flynn Suendermann, at the 2022 event.

For 112 years Gin Gin Show has provided a traditional country spectacular featuring everything from wood chopping and sideshow alley to fireworks and horse and cattle judging.

Gin Gin Show president Kerryn Flanders said the hard work and dedication from the Gin Gin AP&I Society members and show volunteers would come to fruition as this year’s bumper schedule was jam-packed full of activity.

“We are really excited about the show this year as it’s a real family community show,” Kerryn said.

“There will be free family entertainment including the Crack Up Sisters from Winton, and then there’s the rock-climbing wall, the animal nursery and train rides, which are all free!”

Gin Gin Show
Sam Eden, Jim Sullivan, Alan Stevens Anthony LaRocca and Bruce Quinn were hard at work in the sugarcane competition at last year’s show.

Kerryn said the annual event flourished more each year and this was evident as the showgrounds were bursting at the seams.

“We have so many events – the horse numbers have exploded in this year’s show it’s actually unbelievable,” she said.

“We’ve had a good number of entries in all events and categories.

“There’s also the ute muster, sugar cane and young farmers challenges, woodchopping, entertainment by Mark Lavender, and fireworks – it’s jam packed and not a space left on the ground.

“It’s going to be so full we’ve had to move the dog show to another location as they won’t fit!”

She said along with everything a good old-fashioned show contained there would also be the addition of a cocktail bar and entertainment throughout the evening on Saturday.

Show tickets are available now with a prepaid pass discount at the show office, or full price at the gate each day.

Gin Gin Show details
When: 3 and 4 June
Where: King Street, Gin Gin
For more information: Click here

