Bundaberg Regional Council rate notices and two free waste vouchers have begun arriving in mailboxes and inboxes around the region.
The rate notices, for the half year ending 31 December 2024, were issued on Wednesday 31 July 2024 and will be due for payment by Tuesday 3 September 2024.
Council offers a number of payment options including making a payment online at www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/pay, direct debit, BPAY, internet banking, payment at any Australia Post outlet and by phone or mail.
Residents can also pay in person at any of Council’s Service Centres.
If you haven’t already registered to receive your rates electronically via eRates and would like to do so for your next rate notice click here.
Anyone experiencing difficulty in paying their rates is encouraged to use the following link to complete an online rates payment commitment request upon receipt of your rate notice: www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/rates-property/difficulty-paying-rates.
If a suitable payment commitment can’t be finalised using the online form, please contact the friendly rates team on 1300 883 699 to confidentially discuss payment options as soon as possible.
If you would like to change your postal address and contact details click here.
If you are a new pensioner and have not yet applied for a rate pension concession click here.
Residents are reminded to check their rate notice envelope or electronic communications for their waste disposal vouchers.
Each waste disposal voucher, issued to the owner of a residential property with their rate notice, entitles the resident to dispose of one load of self-hauled domestic mixed waste or domestic green waste at any Council waste facility.
Residents can then take advantage of free waste disposal at a time and day that suits them while the vouchers are valid. Vouchers are issued annually in July and expire 31 August the following year.
The vouchers do not allow for the dumping of tyres or asbestos related materials and commercial waste is also excluded.
Terms, conditions and what can and can’t be disposed of are outlined on the waste disposal voucher.
Council encourages landlords to pass the free waste vouchers on to their tenants.
For more information about waste disposal vouchers visit: https://www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/waste-disposal-vouchers.
With dog registrations also being issued in late July, residents wishing to use the online payment option should select the make multiple payments tab on the payments page.
For more information about the issue of rate notices visit: https://www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/rates-property