HomeCouncilSafe Caravan Towing manual donated to libraries

Safe Caravan Towing manual donated to libraries

Safe Caravan Towing
Author Ken Wilson and Mayor Helen Blackburn with the Safe Caravan Towing manual.

Local author Ken Wilson has donated his latest book, Safe Caravan Towing: The Manual, to Bundaberg Regional Libraries in an effort to spread his safety awareness messaging.

Ken wrote the manual as part of his Truck Friendly caravan road safety program, which he established to become a reliable and trusted source of caravan-related road safety information.

“There have been many calls by readers and others for a comprehensive manual on how to set up and tow a safe caravan rig written in easy-to-understand language,” he said.

“(The manual) focuses is on going back to basic safe towing practices and not relying on aftermarket reactive products.

“It dispels many social media myths, sales and marketing hype and is recommended reading for all those towing, and those selling cars, caravans and other large trailers.”

Ken said the book would be a useful tool for many within the Bundaberg Region.

“Bundaberg has one of the highest caravan densities in Australia,” he said.

“We do get a lot of people who own caravans and also tourists visiting via caravans.”

The 200-page full glossy manual, illustrated by local artist Kate Neal, explains how to help ensure your vehicle is safe and legal to take on the roads and the physics behind weight distribution.

It includes 85 diagrams and photographs along with many of ken’s tips and ideas on safe towing subjects.

On behalf of Bundaberg Regional Council Mayor Helen Blackburn thanked Mr Wilson for his donation of four copies of the manual which would be made available for loan at each of the region’s four libraries.

“Road safety is such an important issue and it’s wonderful to see a local resident championing this cause for the benefit of caravanners and road users,” she said.

Safe Caravan Towing
Author Ken Wilson with local illustrator Kate Neal.

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