HomeCommunityLocals called upon as demand for blood rises

Locals called upon as demand for blood rises

With demand for blood at a 12-year-high and plasma demand at record levels, Lifeblood is urging 100,000 Australians – the same number of people who will filled the MCG at the AFL Grand Final – to roll up their sleeves for the very first time. 

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood is calling for people in Bundaberg to join the blood donor community as it launches a new campaign asking locals to find their reason to give.    

With demand for blood at a 12-year-high and plasma demand at record levels, Lifeblood is urging 100,000 Australians – the same number of people who will filled the MCG at the AFL Grand Final – to roll up their sleeves for the very first time. 

Currently, 560,000 active donors supply blood products for a population of 27 million people in Australia and new donors have never been more crucial as the population continues to grow. 

Donor Experience representative Liam Richardson said a new blood donor wass needed in Australia every four minutes.

“This means that around 500 donors from Bundaberg will need to make their first donation in the next 12 months,” she said.

“We know that so many people in the Bundaberg community have a reason to roll up their sleeves, whether it’s a loved one undergoing cancer treatment, to be part of the community, or even just a free party pie.

“We’re calling on people to find their reason to show up to donate blood and plasma.”

In Bundaberg, we need 700 donors in November alone to roll up their sleeves to meet increasing patient demand. 

High-profile Aussies, including comedian Dave Hughes, have joined Lifeblood in calling on fellow Australians to find their reason to donate. 

For Hughesy, the joy of giving is the reason he donates as often as he can. 

“I’m O negative, so I am a universal donor. It’s great to know everyone can use my blood,” Hughes said. 

“It’s an easy, fun experience and the joy really is in the giving. I visit as often as I can.” 

The call for 100,000 new donors comes as Lifeblood launches a new advertising campaign, highlighting the many personal and life-saving reasons people choose to donate, from supporting a family member, to enjoying some quiet time and a milkshake. 

Demand for blood has increased by 10 per cent in the last four years, and demand for plasma in Australia and worldwide, is at an all-time high. In fact, Lifeblood now collects more plasma than blood, with donated plasma now used to treat more than 50 serious medical conditions. 

As part of its search for 100,000 new donors, Lifeblood is asking Australians to visit www.lifeblood.com.au/life-is-the-reason and share their reason for donating blood or plasma. 

“I think we all have a reason to donate, we just might not realise it. The hub will give people a chance to learn about other people’s reasons for donating, share their own and be inspired,” Liam said. 

Bundaberg Blood Donor Centre, open Tuesday-Saturday each week at Bundaberg hospital.

To make a donation, call 13 14 95, book online at lifeblood.com.au, or on the DonateBlood app

