In Our Group with

Bundaberg Orchid Society

Bundaberg Orchid Society evolved as its own identity back in 1973 from the Bundaberg Bush and Orchid Club. Club member Karen Honey shares the inner working of the group as it prepares to celebrate its golden jubilee.

The Bundaberg Orchid Society Inc. exists to promote orchid growing in the Bundaberg Region and presenting these orchids for display to our members and the general public of Bundaberg and district at our annual show.

What significant events do you hold each year?

This year is our golden anniversary, being 50 years since inception, and will be celebrated at our annual Mother’s Day Orchid Show at the Bundaberg Civic Centre, Bourbong Street, Bundaberg.

Our golden jubilee show will be open to the public from 8 am to 4 pm on Friday 12 May and Saturday 13 May and on Sunday 14 May from 8 am to noon.

Presentations to the winners of the various orchid competition categories will take place at 12.30 pm on Sunday.

Mid-year we will also be holding golden anniversary luncheon for our members. During the year we participate in other local societies’ orchid shows by entering orchids in the various competition categories at these shows.

In November, we will have our annual end of year Christmas Party at Rowers on the River.

What is the history of the group?

Bundaberg Orchid Society evolved as its own identity back in 1973 from the Bundaberg Bush and Orchid Club, as some members felt that the focus of this club had become more on the foliage aspect rather than orchids.

Because these members were more interested in growing orchids, they decided that they needed to get together to form a club that focused only on orchids.

The first meeting had 30 people in attendance and the annual membership was the princely sum of $5 per year.

We now average 50 members at meetings and the current very reasonable annual fee is $10 per couple or $6 for single membership.

Why is the group important to the Bundaberg Region?

The Bundaberg Orchid Society provides one of the best orchid shows in Queensland and is the sole local source of expertise in growing and propagating orchids and is open, at a very small cost, to all orchid lovers residing in the Bundaberg Region.

The Bundaberg Orchid Society is intimately engaged with the Bundaberg Region community, as our members are drawn from this demographic, and we encourage people from the local community to join our society to learn how to grow and propagate these magnificent flowering plants.

We also engage with members of the local community by putting on one of the best orchid shows in Queensland where the entry fee is a mere $2.

We provide a learning experience for members of the public at our show and at our meetings, where visitors are welcome.

Each year we support several local charities with donations from our annual show proceeds.

How can the community become involved?

We have a general meeting from 7.30 pm at the Avenell Heights Community Hall in Thabeban Street, Avenell Heights, on the third Thursday of each month from February to November. 

We also have a new and interested growers group meeting on the first Sunday of each month from 9 am from February to December.

These are held at various members’ residences and are designed to educate members on orchid growing. For more information visit the website or email:

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