Bold vision to create thriving #lovebundy arts hub

Adrienne Williams with her winning piece from the 2017 Bundaberg Arts Festival
Adrienne Williams with her winning piece from the 2017 Bundaberg Arts Festival. Source: Facebook

The Bundaberg CBD will become a thriving arts hub in September through a concept being developed by the Council and Bundaberg Arts Festival.

The idea is to transform vacant shops into temporary galleries as part of rebranding the festival into a new Bundaberg Arts Prize.

Council officers are talking to property managers and the landlords of empty shops to secure locations.

It comes as Bundaberg Arts Festival president Phil Oakley and his committee seek to breathe new life into the long-running event.

“We felt we needed a change of direction and this exciting proposal could really put Bundaberg on the map as a vibrant arts community,” Mr Oakley said.

“I’m confident we’ll get the support of all those involved.”

Council’s community and cultural services spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said the concept could revitalise vacant shops by seeing them repainted and decked out to host art exhibits.

“This ties in with the #lovebundy campaign which aims to increase activity and community pride in the CBD,” Cr Peters said.

“It’s potentially a win-win for artists, the community, businesses and property owners.

“It’s a new way to showcase art and add vibrancy in the CBD. The trail will be discovered either by purpose or default as people walk around the CBD.

“Phil is being visionary in putting forward this proposal. Embedding an exhibition into the broader CBD will make a point of difference with other events elsewhere.”

The proposed timing coincides with the one-year anniversary of #lovebundy.

Empty shops in the Bundaberg CBD could be transformed into temporary art galleries.
Empty shops in the Bundaberg CBD could be transformed into temporary art galleries.