Shelly Waters’ singing career inspired by Countdown

LOCAL GIG: Shelly Waters will be playing at the Bundy Services Club this weekend.
LOCAL GIG: Shelly Waters will be playing at the Bundy Services Club this weekend.

Shelly Waters has always loved music and was inspired to start singing after watching Countdown as a child.

Shelly has been performing for 15 years, beginning her career in Darwin singing as part of a trio.

Her biggest influence is Kylie Minogue, as she had been doubted so much early in her career and came through to be one of Australia’s biggest exports in the industry.

Shelly likes to sing a variety of genres from country and rock n roll to 50s and much more.

“Mostly I sing solo, I have done a few duos with other entertainers, it’s great to share the stage to mix it up,” she said.

Shelly’s favourite song to sing is Becky Coles “Poster Girl”.

“I have a few different requested songs by patrons at gigs but would have to say ‘Blue Ain’t Your Colour’ by Keith Urban is always requested when I am singing at this regular venue,” she said.

Shelly Waters will be performing live at the Bundy Services Club from 12 pm on Sunday.

For more information about Shelly head to her Facebook page here.

Don’t forget all your live gig information can be found with your number one gig guide, Bundy Gig Guide.