The State Government has announced that 20 private sites were nominated as potential locations for the new Bundaberg Hospital and will now be evaluated.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the public consultation process for possible sites was a great success with more than 20 submissions about private landholdings.
“A new Bundaberg hospital is an important project for the wide bay region,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“This large number of submissions shows the detailed business case is progressing well.
“My Government has committed $6.7 million in funding for the business case because we’re committed to delivering the best public health services to the Wide Bay community so that the region can thrive.
“It’s expected a new hospital will create around 800 new health-related jobs, and more than 1000 construction-related jobs during the project.”
Health Minister Steven Miles said the hospital would service the growing community well into the future, so the choice of site was crucial.
“It‘s great to see so many options being put forward for the location of the brand new hospital in Bundaberg,” Mr Miles said.
“These 20 private sites will now be considered alongside the available state-owned land to ensure the best possible site is chosen for a new hospital.
“This is a significant Palaszczuk Government commitment that will better meet the health needs of a growing and ageing population in not only Bundaberg, but across the Wide Bay region.
“The chosen site will be announced in 2020.”
Chair of the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Board Peta Jamieson said it was an exciting step in the journey to have the submissions in front of the project group and being considered as possible sites of the new hospital.
“There was a good response to the expression of interest for the new site and it’s now full steam ahead with the assessment of sites underway,” Ms Jamieson said.
“The criteria for determining the potential site suitability includes elements such as being located within a radius of about 17km from the Bundaberg city centre; the available land size being around 15-20 hectares in size; the site having good accessibility; and the site being at or above Q500 flood levels.”
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service acting chief executive Debbie Carroll said there had also been a strong response to the call for people to be involved in project user groups for the new Bundaberg Hospital.
“It’s wonderful to have such a broad selection of community members, clinicians and key stakeholders show a strong interest in joining the various project user groups,” Ms Carroll said.
“These groups will provide input into the design of the various clinical and non-clinical units and departments in the new hospital.
“Ultimately, the aim is to ensure our new state-of-the-art hospital meets the needs of our community, patients and staff, and our project user groups will play an important role in achieving that aim.”
- Earlier report: Landowners invited to submit sites for new hospital
Looking forward to see all this happening.
Does the old hospital close when the one opens, or is additional to?
I find the statement that the “new hospital will be within a 17km” radius of the city centre and a “state of the art” hospital as a bit confusing. A state of the art building is not required. A building that is not a showpiece building but practical one would be a sensible one.
I hope all those involved in the planning and building of the new hospital don’t end up with the usual public outcome of wanting to design a horse and come up with a donkey!
Yes, agree with Jeff, but I don’t see why it can’t be modern and eye-catching in design too. The present one most unattractive!
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