The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre is shining a spotlight on local talent with artists and groups encouraged to submit ideas for its annual program.
The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre is calling for Expressions of Interest from artists and not-for-profit community arts organisations for projects which might be included in its annual program from October 2020 through to December 2021.
Council’s Manager, Arts and Cultural Services Rod Ainsworth said it was an ideal opportunity for any groups with a performance ready now, or one being planned for next year, to use the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre’s professional facilities to present their work.
“This EOI is about artists, groups of artists and arts organisations proposing new local content ideas for presentation in the Moncrieff’s season program,” Rod said.
“We’re focused on presenting new work and new ideas,” he said.
“If any groups have ‘off the shelf’ projects that might be ready to program before Christmas it will mean as soon as we’re able to open we’ll have spots to fill.
“We’re hoping to start from October this year.”
Moncrieff stage to highlight local talent
Council’s Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said Council is committed to supporting local talent.
“Promoting local talent and our local performing arts industry is always vital, but even more so as we come out of COVID-19 restrictions.”
Successful applicants will receive up to $5000 of in kind sponsorship from the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre, including venue hire, technical and front of house support.
Performances successful in hitting the Moncrieff stage will also receive marketing support.
“We will market these shows the same way we do for our other stage events, so the work will get maximum exposure,” Rod said.
“We’re looking for events to include in our 2021 program, so if applicants make the cut we’ll publish the show in our annual season program, provide them with electronic collateral and social media support.”
Successful applicants will also receive 90% of gross box office sales.
Expressions of Interest close on Friday 14 August and anyone interested in applying should talk to the team at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre before doing so.
“The main thing is to talk to us,” Rod said.
“You need to make an appointment to talk through your idea before you submit.
“We don’t want to waste people’s time, so let’s brainstorm to make it the most meaningful experience for both of us.”
Don’t miss your chance to see your show on the Moncrieff stage!
Appointments can be made by emailing rod.ainsworth@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or phoning 4130 4100 before 31 July. The Expression of Interest document can be found here.