HomeNewsEducationBundaberg's first Catholic Kindergarten officially opened

Bundaberg’s first Catholic Kindergarten officially opened

Catholic Kindergarten
Spaces for the new St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten were quickly filled for both 2020 and 2021

Bundaberg’s first Catholic Kindergarten opened in January this year with spots for the St Joseph’s facility filling quickly, providing a seamless transition to primary school.

The Bishop of Rockhampton, Michael McCarthy, officially blessed and opened the facility this week.

He said it was a marvellous occasion which would see catholic education provided to the youngest of students.

“It is absolutely beautiful and it is a great learning area for our young people,” Bishop McCarthy said.

“I’m sure it will be an exciting space for them.”

St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten director Kay Harling was tempted out of retirement after 37 years in childhood education for the chance to be involved in the centre.

She said as the first Catholic kindergarten the facility offered a relaxed atmosphere that was connected with nature.

“The kindy kids have loved it,” Ms Harling said.

“We’ve developed the vege gardens out the back, we’ve developed our lovely, beautiful bush tucker garden out the front.

“We’re getting chickens, we’ve got a fire pit.

“The children have loved the space, as you can see they use every part of it.”

Catholic Kindergarten
The St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten embraces nature, providing lots of outdoor play experiences

She said the association with St Joseph’s Primary School made the transition to school smoother for kindy kids.

“They already visit the library, they do sport on the oval, they do music in the afternoons so we’re progressing them slowly to a familiar place.

“It just makes it so much easier.”

Catholic Kindergarten
Kaye Beston (Principal St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School); Kay Harling (Director – St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten), Most Rev Michael McCarthy (Catholic Bishop – Diocese of Rockhampton), Fr Peter Tonti (Parish Priest – Catholic Parish of Bundaberg), Tracey Novak (Early Learning and Care Consultant, Catholic Education Office – Diocese of Rockhampton) and Leesa Jeffcoat AM (Director Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton) at the official blessing and opening of the St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten

Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton Diocesan Director Leesa Jeffcoat also attended the official opening.

“Catholic Education in Bundaberg commenced over 140 years ago at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and it’s very pleasing that we are able to continue to grow our services in this area to offer a quality educational choice for Bundaberg families from early learning through to Year 12,” Miss Jeffcoat said.

St Joseph’s Catholic Kindergarten offers the endorsed Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline providing opportunities for children to engage in learning through a play-based approach.

COVID-19 unfortunately delayed the official blessing and opening, but Miss Jeffcoat said she was delighted to be able to be in Bundaberg to join with staff, children and families, along with the community of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg and the wider community.

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