More Bundaberg Region employers are being asked to join Council in a three-pronged approach to tackle high youth unemployment.
Mayor Jack Dempsey said it was important to advance the outcomes already achieved through the partnerships of the Bundaberg Jobs Commitment program involving Council, schools and local employers.
“The program commenced at the start of 2020 and even with the COVID-19 pandemic providing a brake on the rollout, a number of employers currently on board with Jobs Commitment are providing ways to engage with youth,” he said.
“While COVID-19 restrictions were in place mentoring was continued with employers producing video engagement to bridge the communication gap and to disseminate information.
“Council will be hosting a breakfast later this month where more local employers will be encouraged to attend to gain an insight into the program.
“Some fantastic results were achieved through the Bundaberg Jobs Commitment in 2020, which will be profiled at the breakfast.
“This networking provides the opportunity for employers to better understand the gains that can be made in building workforces of the future while providing pathways to employment for young people uncertain about their working life direction.”
Mayor Dempsey said the Bundaberg Jobs Commitment gives local employers a clearly defined role in helping youth to access future jobs and career opportunities in the region.
“Employers have been asked to commit whatever time they can towards a variety of employer-led initiatives that have been designed to engage young people in career planning and decision making while still in school,” he said.
“Mentoring by business professionals, especially with disengaged youth, provides an insight into working life and what possibilities exist once school is left behind. The people our local employers are mentoring may well be their employees of tomorrow.
“We have more than 60 local businesses on board that have been extremely generous with their time and their dedication to the program and this breakfast is, in part, to thank them for their role to date.
Earlier this year, every high school principal in the region signed a pledge committing their school to work with local employers through the Bundaberg Jobs Commitment.
The Jobs Commitment breakfast and information session will be held at the Bundaberg Multiplex Sports and Convention Centre on Friday, November 27 from 7am until 8.30am.
To attend you need to be a registered business. Employers who are interested in attending can RSVP to amber.lutter@bundaberg.qld.gov.au by close of business this Friday, November 13.