Whether you’re in Burnett Heads, Moore Park Beach, Gin Gin, Bucca, Childers, Woodgate, Bundaberg or Bargara there are festivities planned to celebrate Australia Day.
Awards and Citizenship Ceremony
The Bundaberg Region will welcome 90 new citizens at an Australia Day citizenship ceremony.
The 90 new Aussies come from 28 different countries, including 12 citizens from India, 10 each from United Kingdom and Philippines, seven from New Zealand and six from Vietnam.
Traditionally, more people become citizens on Australia Day than any other day of the year.
The ceremony is invitation only because of COVID-19 restrictions but will be livestreamed here.

Railway Picnic at Bargara
The popular Bundaberg Railway Picnic will be back for Australia Day with the event named as the official Bundaberg Regional Council celebrations.
Held for the first time last year at Nielson Park, the Rotary Club of Bundaberg City Daybreak successfully applied to host Council’s Australia Day Celebrations to ensure the popular event returned.
Mayor Jack Dempsey thanked the Rotary Club for again nominating to deliver the event which had proven so popular.
“Australia Day is a wonderful time for our community to come together and celebrate and what better way to do that than by reconnecting with our past at one of our world class beaches,” Mayor Dempsey said.
The Australia Day festivities begin at 11.30am will sand sculptures, live entertainment, and food stalls carrying the community through the day until 6pm.
Council’s Australia Day Celebrations have been supported by the National Australia Day Council and Great Australia Bites.
Enjoy morning tea at Gin Gin
Gin Gin Scout Group will Celebrate Australia Day and host this year’s event at Gin Gin with a free morning tea and the Australia Day Spirit Awards.
The celebrations will start at 8am, and include displays from local groups, live entertainment, raffles and games.
For more information about the event phone Felecity Manderson 0408 077 606.
Free barbecue breakfast at Burnett Heads
Tuck into a morning snag and a fried egg at the free community breakfast hosted by Burnett Heads Progress and Sports Association.
Along with the delicious smell of cooked bacon and eggs, there is a chance for attendees who take along their own plate, cup, and cutlery to scope the raffle prize with a free entry into the draw.
The Australia Day barbecue breakfast will be held at the Burnett Heads Community Hall, Jack Norgate Oval from 7-9am. The free breakfast is supported by Council, for more information click here.

Childers Pool celebration
Australia Day in Childers will present an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the manner in which the district triumphed in the face of adversity during 2020.
A free community event including a barbecue breakfast will be held at the Isis War Memorial Pool from 7am.
Childers Australia Day Committee representative Donna Duncan OAM, said the restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic meant that no individual awards would be presented this year.
Breakfast and awards at Woodgate
The community is invited to head along to Woodgate to enjoy their Australia Day morning with a tasty breakfast cooked up by the Woodgate Community Events team.
Breakfast will be served from 7am at Woodgate Community Hall for just $2, with a singalong and the Australia Day awards ceremony to follow.
To help celebrate Australia Day and for a fun morning out people can dress in an Aussie theme, and there will be an opportunity to meet friends new and old.
The Woodgate Community Events Australia Day breakfast is supported by Council.
Australia Day Aquathon
Bargara Triathlon Club will host its annual Australia Day Aquathon at Norville Park Swimming Complex.
Club secretary Trixie James said aquathons were a great way to start your adventure into triathlons.
“A simple swim in the pool, and a run around the block – sounds easy!” she said.
“Plus coming together and doing it with like-minded people is a great way to yell to the world that fitness is fun.”
The Australia Day Aquathon will be held at the Norville Pool and there are events for all ages and abilities.
The event will be followed by a sausage sizzle hosted by the Coral Isles Cycling Club. For more information click here.

Australia Day Train Rides
Families can enjoy a steam or diesel train ride through the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens on Australia Day.
It will be full steam ahead for the crew at Australian Sugar Cane Railway Bundaberg on Australia Day as the trains start running from 9am through to 3.30pm.
Cost is $5 an adult, $2 for children 5-18 years, free rides for under-fives, and $14 for families.
For more information check out their Facebook page or click here.
Waterslide day at Bucca Retreat
Beat the heat and slide down the waterslide or swim in the dam at Bucca Retreat.
The fun and activities kick off at 8am with families invited to register for the slide, or they can simply relax by the dam and fish.
For more information about Bucca Retreats Australia Day festivities click here.
Moore Park Beach celebrations
Fun games and breakfast at Moore Park Beach’s Australia Day celebrations will be hosted by Lions Club of Moore Park Beach.
Celebrate Australia Day with a barbecue breakfast from 7am at Moore Park Beach Hall. There’ll be fun, games and competitions for all the family.
For more information click here.