The Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre wouldn’t be able to run without the help of its fantastic volunteers who have been acknowledged as part of National Volunteers’ Week.
Working across a range of activities, the Neighbourhood Centre provides the opportunity for community members to have access to services and activities they otherwise wouldn’t be able to enjoy in their local community.
The volunteers include people such as Kelly Shaw who this year reaches the milestone of 20 years of volunteering with the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre.
Community Development Officer at Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre Venessa Piron said volunteers like Kelly were crucial in keeping the Neighbourhood Centre operating.
“The Neighbourhood Centre couldn’t run free classes without the amazing volunteers who facilitate a range of activities,” she said.
“They are involved in everything from our Tai Chi for Health through to our Knit N Natter craft group who donate some of their creations for our community events and Christmas Donation campaign.
“People can bring their own craft as well and they are very popular classes here in Gin Gin.”
The activities coordinated by the Neighbourhood Centre also aim to provide the opportunity for community members to feel connected, as they acknowledge that rural living can at times feel quite isolating.
“It is a real opportunity to engage, especially as it can be quite isolating for people in rural communities, and this helps to meet that need,” Venessa said.
“I walk in the room and people are so happy to be there.
“We have a peer support card group that come in on Mondays and Tuesdays and they also play board games and Kim does Pilates for us on a Wednesday.”
Venessa said the community loved learning new things from the volunteers.
“These activities are really important to our community members in Gin Gin and it is a privilege to work with the community,” she said.
“All the volunteers are amazing, and we are really lucky and blessed to have them at the centre.”
There are a range of different services on offer at the Gin Gin neighbourhood centre including:
- Tai-Chi for Health
- Cards ‘n All
- Knit & Natter Craft Group
- Balanced Bodies Pilates
- A Community Computer Kiosk
- Events and other activities
- Referral and information services
Head to the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Facebook page to find out more about the services on offer in Gin Gin and upcoming events.
Other stories: Neighbourhood Centre celebrates community volunteers