Bundaberg Regional Council and local organisations are coming together to show support to the community on R U OK Day.
Held on September 9, the national day of action is a reminder that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs.
Council will be part of a pop-up stall in partnership with Lifeline, the Bundaberg Suicide Prevention Network, Headspace and the Bundaberg Neighbourhood Centre in the CBD Pavilion.
“The purpose of the pop-up stall is to raise awareness about how that one simple question, R U OK?, can make a difference in someone’s life,” Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee said.
“The stall will act as a hub to inform the community of the support services available in the region and how they can connect.
“Council’s Community Development team will also hand out ‘Life’s Little Stress Kit’ which will be filled with bits and pieces to help out in times of need.”
In Gin Gin and Childers, the neighbourhood centre will be hosting a pop-up cuppa and cupcake stall and morning tea, respectively.
“The community can join Gin Gin Neighbourhood to raise awareness of R U OK DAY and learn the steps involved in starting a conversation with a friend or loved one,” Cr McPhee said.
“The event will be held at Kolan Community Park, Corner of Mulgrave and Dear Streets, on Thursday 9 September from 10am to 11am.
“The Childers Neighbourhood Centre team is encouraging businesses and organisations to dress in yellow on the day with a morning tea to be hosted for the community, with residents of the Forest View Retirement Village in attendance.
“This event will take place at 10 am at the Childers Library, 49 Churchill Street.”
This year the message of R U OK Day is: Are they really OK? Ask them today.
It comes in response to new research which found 22% of Australians aren’t reaching out to ask ‘are you OK?’ because there hasn’t been an occasion where they felt someone needed their help.
“R U OK? is encouraging all Australians to pause and consider how the people in their world are really going, and to make asking ‘are you OK?’, a part of their everyday,” Katherine Newton, R U OK? CEO said.
“We want to emphasise that an R U OK? conversation is not only for when someone is visibly distressed or in crisis and remind everyone that their support can make a difference for anyone who is struggling.”
Find out more here.