Bundaberg Regional Council has partnered with the Bundaberg Region Senior Alliance to present the Seniors Forum: My Future, My Choice at the Bundaberg Multiplex on Friday 15 October from 8.30am to midday.
The forum will feature a sit-down information session, where the guests will be provided information on various topics from a range of guest speakers.
Council’s community services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee said the forum provided the chance for seniors in the region to find out more about services available to them and connect with others in the community.
“This is a great opportunity to hear from the experts on a range of different topics and also to put forward any questions you might have in person,” Cr McPhee said.
“Each of the presenters at the forum will be speaking on different topics, helping to raise awareness of different services available within our region.
“I encourage people to ensure they register their attendance for the event online.”
The main presentation at the forum will be on ‘Understanding Dementia and Mental Health’ presented by Lorrae and Vince O’Rourke from Dementia Network.
Lorrae said they were looking forward to visiting the region again and speaking at the event to raise much needed awareness of dementia.
“We feel it is very valuable to be able to travel to regional towns and be able to provide support to those with dementia, their families and their carers,” Ms O’Rourke said.
“It is also important to ensure that we assist in raising awareness of dementia within the community and as it is mental health week and carers week we are also trying to emphasise the mental health of people with their carers.
“We have had very good collaborative relationship with Bundaberg Regional Council through Gracie Dixon respite centre and we look forward to continuing this.”
Other Seniors Forum speakers include:
• Bundaberg Police – Senior Constable Dave Didsman and Senior Constable Brittany Duncan
• Primary Health Network – Vicki Files
• Centrelink Financial Information Services
• Bundaberg Regional Council – Lyn Frost

While the Seniors Forum is a free event, registration for attendance is required and can be made here or by calling Council’s community development team on 4130 4154.
As social connection is linked to maintaining mental and physical health, seniors across the Bundaberg Region are encouraged to make the most of activities on throughout October as part of Seniors Month.
You can find out more about the activities on across the month here.
Other stories: Seniors encouraged to connect during Seniors Month