Severe storms lashed the region overnight with Bucca and surrounds among the worst hit by a “tornado-style storm”, downing trees and cutting power to hundreds of properties.
Bundaberg SES Unit local controller Kieran Galey said his team had received three call outs overnight in the Bucca, South Kolan and Avondale areas.
“With the three jobs we have received there is damage to property as well,” Kieran said.
“SES will be clearing debris from the houses and making the area temporarily safe and tarping today.
“We are also sending out a reconnaissance team to help gather intel into the situation out there.
“We are aware there is no power and with nbn no power means no phone lines.”
He said the nature of the damage was mainly flying debris.
“We are aware there are a lot of trees down in the area especially around Bucca due to strong winds and heavy rainfall they received out there.
“We will be providing assistance to that community as soon as possible.”
Ergon Energy crews have been working overnight to repair damage to the network which cut the power to hundreds of local residents.
Ergon Energy posted these photos of last night’s storm in Bucca to their Facebook page.
Ergon posted to Facebook this morning asking residents for patience as work continues.
“As you can see from this photo, we are battling through some hard work to get your power back on – particularly around Bucca,” the Facebook post said.
“Locals report a tornado-style storm last night brought down trees, blocking roads and bringing down powerlines.
“If you see fallen powerlines stay well away and report them to 000 or call us on 13 16 70.”
Power outages impacted some Council facilities and buildings however most services are now back online.
Kieran said the severe weather event was a reminder that the Queensland storm season has arrived.
“We recommend that all residents start to get their properties ready and make them safe.
“Clearing gutters, clearing overhead branches away from houses.”
He said all loose items around the house should also be secured.
And with these intense weather events occurring Kieran said the region was likely to be impacted by flash flooding so issued a timely reminder that “if it’s flooded, forget it”.