If you need some extra motivation to follow through with your new year resolution to keep healthy then head to the 2022 MOVE It Expo in February.
For 10 years the MOVE It Expo has been helping the community to stay on track with health and fitness, and stallholders are now invited to register their interest in the annual event.
Up to 70 clubs, organisations and businesses representing the Bundaberg Region’s sport, exercise and well-being associations are present at each annual event.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s sport and recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Vince Habermann said the MOVE It Expo was the signature event for sport, health, fitness, and recreational activities.
He said 13,000 people and local businesses had joined in MOVE It Expo over the past nine events since its inception in 2013.
“Over 30 sporting organisations and a combination of 30 or more health and wellbeing organisations are expected to attend this year’s annual event,” he said.
“It’s a free event that attracts community members looking to keep on track with their health or take the opportunity to find out more about local clubs and sport.
“We are expecting about 2000 people through the doors this year.”
Cr Habermann said with plenty of stallholders showcasing their services, there was bound to be something for anyone interested in becoming more active and improving on their wellbeing.
“The 2022 Move It Expo aims to run a significant amount of come-and-try activities hosted by local sporting clubs, not-for-profit organisations and local businesses,” he said.
“This is just one way we can help to improve the health and wellbeing of our region through raising awareness and encouraging healthy and active lifestyles.
“We look forward to seeing you on the day and all working towards a healthier community.”
The 2022 MOVE It Expo will be held at the Bundaberg Multiplex on the 27 February from 10am to 1pm.
Stallholders can register now by clicking here.
I am interested in having a site, but with this latest outbreak, I am undecided. Could you let me know the cost of the sites please, also would there be any chance my group could do a demo (Clogging/tap dancing). Cheers Merril Gardner