The Gin Gin community will be coming together to celebrate the different cultures that make up their diverse community on Saturday, 19 March at their annual harmony dinner.
In partnership with the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre, the Gin Gin Multicultural Group’s Harmony Day dinner is a family friendly event to be held at the Gin Gin RSL Hall from 5.30 pm.
Council’s Community Services portfolio spokesperson Tracey McPhee said the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre does a fantastic job of building relationships and hosting events such as these for the wider community.
“Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre has proudly partnered with the Gin Gin Multicultural Group for many years and looks forward to working alongside the community group again this year to deliver a successful Harmony Day dinner that celebrates all the cultures that make up Gin Gin’s diverse community,” Cr McPhee said.
“People travel from surrounding towns to attend the annual event which promotes respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.”
There is always singing, dancing, traditional food, lots of laughs and so much to learn from each other with the group’s members doing an incredible job bring this event together each year.
Gin Gin Multicultural Group President Virginia Markham said the event was a highlight of the year for her, seeing everyone come together and enjoying themselves.
“The harmony dinner is our annual event that we always look forward too as it celebrates the multicultural community we have and all the international people,” Virginia said.
“We are always excited to show our traditional foods and enjoy these with everyone, as well as be entertained by a range of cultural performances from Indonesian, Malaysian and Filipino cultures.”
It is $10 to attend the event for members of the group, while it is $12 for non-members and $20 for a family of four or five.
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the night, or tables can be booked in advance by contacting Virginia Markham on 0497 371 957.
The event will be a Covid safe event.
Event details:
What: Gin Gin Harmony Day Dinner
Where: Gin Gin RSL Hall
When: Saturday, 19 March
Time: 5:30 pm
Cost: $10 members; $12 non-members; $20 families of four or five
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