Put on your jolliest of jumpers and head to Alexandra Park on Saturday to take part in a cupcake drive while helping to raise money for Make A Wish Bundaberg.
Fundraising coordinator April Schmid said the fundraising day would feature a cupcake drive through Bake A Wish, a jolly jumper competition and a much needed volunteer recruitment drive.
April said there was now less than 20 Make A Wish volunteers in Bundaberg and she hoped the recruitment drive would draw in more community members to help the not-for-profit organisation.
“We desperately need more members,” she said.
“There are currently 19 dedicated members including long-serving member Lester Rogers who, after more than 30 years, is taking some leave to go travelling.
“Most of our members are now also aging, so anyone who would like to help can come along and fine out more information on Saturday.
“There are no restrictions for volunteers, everyone can join, and we meet the third Monday of each month.”
On Saturday friends and families can sport their favourite or daggiest jumper in a fashion contest to support the good cause.
“On the day we will be holding a jolly jumper competition and entry is just $5, with the winner announced at 11 am,” she said.
“We’re also asking people to bring along winter woollies, whether its jumpers, blankets or winter clothing; along with baking goods, all which will go to be donated to the homeless and needy through a local church.”
April said the volunteer organisation would also be raising money to help support Bundaberg children with life-threatening illnesses.
“We will have Bake A Wish cupcake drive – this fundraiser that came from a young girl named Poppy who wanted to bake as a way of paying it forward,” April said.
“We hope to raise money to support new wishes.”
Cupcakes help raise money for sick children
CEO of Make-A-Wish Australia, Sally Bateman, said funds raised through Bake A Wish would go towards making the wishes of sick children come true.
“Our wish program receives no government funding, so we rely on the generosity of the public to keep granting wishes to critically ill children,” Ms Bateman said.
“Wishes have a positive and lasting impact on the lives of sick kids, as well as those of their families and communities.
“We encourage anyone to come along to our Cupcake Drive and sample baked goods and some fun activities for kids including face painting.
“It’s also an opportunity for those interested to find out more about joining out Wish Force, the band of volunteers on the ground who help make our wishes happen.”
Make A Wish Bundaberg’s cupcake and recruitment drive and jolly jumper competition will be held at the rotunda at Alexandra Park on Saturday 16 July, from 9 am to 2 pm.
For more information about the Bake A Wish and jolly jumper competition phone April 0475 077 302.