The Bundaberg sub-branch of the Australian War Widows Queensland will join in marking the 75th anniversary on Wednesday 19 October.
Seventy-five years ago, in 1947, Mrs Jessie Vasey founded the War Widows Guild.
So was the beginning of a powerful lobby group which is consulted by governments on all matters concerning War Widows today.
Mrs Vasey was born on 19 October making it only fitting that each year war widows throughout Australia celebrate her, and the organisation she founded, on that day.
To recognise the milestone, the Bundaberg sub-branch will host a luncheon and a white cross ceremony at Rowers on the River.
Bundaberg War Widows sub-branch President Laurel Crawford said the local guild was proud to continue its work fostering friendships and providing support and advice to one another.
“We give fellowship and assistance to our war widows,” Laurel said.
“These ladies are on their own and they need friendship, they need to be able to get out and talk to people.
“There is lots of fellowship and companionship and we are all there for each other, while also providing advice to each other when talking about different services and where we can get help.”
Laurel said the white cross was something that had evolved over time, through both Friendship Day and as a mark of respect for their husbands.
“Each year one club takes it upon themselves to host a Friendship Day and that is getting together of different war widows from all different subbranches,” she said.
To mark the anniversary, Bundaberg Regional Council will be lighting the fig trees at the Multiplex in blue and white.
At present, there are more than 10,000 war widows in Queensland who benefit from the work that Jessie Vasey began all those years ago.
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