Comedian Anh Do is bringing his show The Happiest Refugee to the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre to share his story which combines humour, real life, photos and filmed pieces.
Anh will take to the stage on Tuesday 7 March 2023 from 7.30 pm with tickets on sale for the general public from 10 am on Friday 11 November.
Council’s Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said the show was one not to be missed, with the Moncrieff continuing their great work in bringing world class acts to Bundaberg.
“Once again the Moncrieff is continuing to bring world class acts to the stage right here in Bundaberg for the community to enjoy, “he said.
“Anh’s story is an incredible one and we are very lucky to have him visiting the Bundaberg Region to share it with us.”
Today, he is one of Australia’s most sought-after stand-ups, as well as a talented writer, actor, producer, and Star of the ABC1 TV’s Anh’s Brush With Fame.
Find out more about the upcoming show here.
About Anh Do
Anh Do travelled to Australia in 1980 on an eight-metre fishing boat with 47 other Vietnamese refugees.
Sick with dehydration and one person already dead, the journey was the first of many struggles for a young Do, who overcame all manner of difficulties throughout his life to become a lawyer and, in 2008, Australia’s Comedian of the Year.
Do’s struggles as a young refugee from his difficulties with English, divorcing parents, being bullied and broke, are brought to life in this hilarious but moving stage show, garnering this happy refugee standing ovations across the country.
Find out more about Anh here.
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