Neighbourhood Centre hosts Volunteer Awards

Bundaberg and District Neighbourhood Centre Community Liaison Officer Lynne Forgan and Manager Corrie McColl are calling for nominations for their upcoming Volunteer Awards.

Nominations are open for this year’s Volunteer Awards hosted by the Bundaberg and District Neighbourhood Centre on 16 August with local organisations encouraged to honour their unsung heroes.

While the awards have not been offered in the past few years, the centre plans to continue with them as an ongoing recognition of those who give of their time and skill to support the community.

The three main award categories include Overall Volunteer, Young Volunteer (under the age of 25) and Volunteer with Impairment.

Bundaberg and District Neighbourhood Centre Community Liaison Officer Lynne Forgan said the awards gave organisations the opportunity to say thank you to their valued volunteers.

“We are asking everyone that knows a volunteer or works with one, or an organisation that has volunteers, to submit a nomination,” Lynne said.

“They can submit more than one nomination or can submit a nomination in each category.”

The nomination process is simple with the form available for download from the centre’s website and then submitted via email before the closing date on 2 August.

“We are looking for a volunteer who has shown above average commitment to the organisation and the community,” Lynne said.

“[Someone who has] made a positive impact in people’s lives.

“It is difficult to select a winner as there are so many worthy recipients.”

Lynne said her role as community liaison officer was to match volunteers with the organisations that require assistance and there were many opportunities available for immediate start.

“Volunteers are the backbone of the community and not-for-profit organisations rely on them as they operate within limited budgets,” she said.

“Many organisations and associations help those less fortunate and assist people in need such as sporting clubs, recreation groups, committees and school canteens.

“These activities can’t happen without volunteers.”

For more information on the awards or becoming a volunteer, please contact Lynne at the Bundaberg Neighbourhood Centre on 4153 1614.


  1. Please give us more notice. this is dated 31 July and nominations close on 03 August = 3 days. in that time I must also gain the permission of the person I am going to nominate.
    I have been unavailable until today… giving me 8 hours to get this organised. I am lucky that I subscribe to your emails otherwise I would have missed it all together

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