
Case IH steps up again for sugarcane conference

Innovation and success in the Bundaberg Region sugarcane industry will be showcased at the Case IH Step UP! conference in Bundaberg next month.

Bundaberg's AgPro software ready for global rollout

AgPro, an innovative software platform which originated in Bundaberg, is helping farmers and agronomists across the world track data and improve productivity.

Bundaberg Fresh venture a ‘perfect match'

Bundaberg Sugar has partnered with Carter & Spencer to form Bundaberg Fresh which will grow, pack and market sweet potatoes and other fresh produce crops.

From big city to Bundy for the love of agriculture

All it took was a few summers at her aunt and uncle's farm in Bundaberg before Elizabeth Lazell was hooked on country life and set on a future in the fields.

Bundaberg the macadamia capital of Australia

Affordable land, terrific growing conditions, skilled farmers and community support have confirmed Bundaberg's status as the macadamia capital of Australia.

Warren Zunker retires after 55 years of farming

Warren Zunker is hanging up the boots after 55 years of farming since he was 10 years old.

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